singing mantras in the street
gentleness breeds gratitude
first we blush feel naked and
then we just roll thru evening's breath
and enjoy the moments when they pass.
Thursday, October 21, 2004
- buddhist peace fellowship
- chogyam trungpa rinpoche
- karma triyana dharmachakra
- meditation instruction
- nalanda bodhi : buddhist science of mind
- sakyong mipham rinpoche
- shambhala
- shunryu suzuki roshi
- seva foundation "compassion in action"
- surfrider foundation
- everything is fine
- make a rising
- ravi shankar
- the deoxyribonucleic hyperdimension
- powell's
- seti@home
- weird nj
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- My eyes hear things my ears cannot.
- Love and compassion isn't hugs and smiles all the ...
- Yesterday- Philadelphia, PA. Caught a cabride from...
- It bothers me that I spend more time drinking, eat...
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