Lighting this shrine in my bedroom
I see what addiction is.
Its only a rope around my wrist.
Thursday, November 11, 2004
- buddhist peace fellowship
- chogyam trungpa rinpoche
- karma triyana dharmachakra
- meditation instruction
- nalanda bodhi : buddhist science of mind
- sakyong mipham rinpoche
- shambhala
- shunryu suzuki roshi
- seva foundation "compassion in action"
- surfrider foundation
- everything is fine
- make a rising
- ravi shankar
- the deoxyribonucleic hyperdimension
- powell's
- seti@home
- weird nj
- R.I.P. John Peel
- singing mantras in the street gentleness breeds gr...
- I wonder how much we enjoy creating our problems. ...
- I think I am giving myself beer belly dried liver....
- With a clarity of purpose I. am. reborn. Time to b...
- Mind blossom Beginning to grow The guru's grace Fe...
- No, thank you Clayton There is no separation betw...
- I saw a dragonfly and thought of you hiding in gr...
- My eyes hear things my ears cannot.
- Love and compassion isn't hugs and smiles all the ...
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